

Sofwave™ Treatment

As we get older, our skin tends to sag, leading to a loss of firmness in areas like the midface, chin, and jawline. Medbeautiq Boca Raton has a solution in the form of Sofwave™ treatments that can help restore your skin’s natural beauty and fullness by reducing brow, neck, and chin laxity. The Sofwave™ technology uses ultrasound waves to target the dermis at a depth of 1.5mm. These cells produce vital support proteins like collagen and elastin, which are essential to skin health. The ultrasound energy heats the dermis, which promotes collagen production and tightens and lifts existing collagen fibers. The best part is that Sofwave™ technology is cool on the skin’s surface, preventing any damage to surrounding tissues. With Sofwave™ treatments, you’ll notice a remarkable lift, fewer wrinkles and lines, and less laxity.

Let Sofwave™ help you lift, rejuvenate and revitalize your skin! Book your appointment with Medbeautiq Boca Raton today!

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Benefits of Sofwave™ treatments include:

For more information visit www.sofwave.com

Sofwave™ FAQs

Typically, treating the entire face and neck lasts between 30 to 45 minutes. Sofwave is a next-generation ultrasound skin rejuvenation method that bears similarities to Ultherapy.

For most individuals, a single session suffices. However, based on individual reactions, some might need more than one session.

Results can be noticeable in as little as a week post-procedure. Given that collagen takes about 12 weeks to renew, continued enhancements can be seen up to three months post-treatment.

Yes, the FDA has given clearance to Sofwave™ for elevating eyebrows, neck regions, and under-chin tissues, as well as for the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.

The research studies confirm Sofwave’s strong safety profile. Importantly, participants did not report any serious side effects. Additionally, Sofcool™ feature is incorporated to protect the outer layer of the skin.

During the Sofwave™ procedure, some patients might experience a mild warming sensation. Before a procedure, applying a numbing cream can reduce discomfort. Afterward, no additional skin care is necessary.

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